Selecting your preferred photos is optional depending on the package you have choosen but highly beneficial. This process allows you to review the images and provide feedback for any desired changes, such as converting a photo to black and white or increasing the exposure if an image is darker than expected.
Follow these instructions to choose your favorites, and I'll edit and send you the link to download the high-resolution photos
How It Works
Request a Link: Please request the link if this process is optional for your package.
Access the Site: Open the link, which will direct you to
Create an Account: You'll need to create an Adobe account (it's free and can be deleted later) to select and share your photos.
Sign In: Click the profile icon in the right corner or select a photo to sign in.
Select Photos: Once logged in, choose your photos by clicking the checkmark.
Full-Screen Review: Review photos in full-screen mode by clicking on the photo.
Leave Comments: Provide feedback on any photo by leaving a comment, such as "Can you make this black and white?" or "Can you brighten this photo?"
Selection Limit: This varies based on the package you have selected.
Once you've made your selections, please notify me via message or an email so that I can send you the link to download them.